25 Okt 2010

A Day In Your Life - In The Year 2020

What are two ways that technology will probably change your life in the next 5-10 years ? 

People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly that we don't even know what our own lives will be like in a few years. What follows is not science fiction. It's how I see the future with my vision.

I'm daydreaming behind the wheel of my car, but that's OK. I have it on automatic pilot, and with its high-tech computers and cameras, my car "knows" how to get me home safely.

I'm hungry, so I head for the kitchen as soon as I get home. I ordered groceries by computer an hour ago, and I know that by now they have arrived.
My kitchen has a two-way-refrigerator, which opens to the outside to accept deliveries. I have already paid for the food by having the money substracted from my bank account. Nobody uses cash anymore.

What's for lunch? In the old days, I used to stop off to buy "nasi padang", "rames", or anything else. Now, I use my diagnostic machine to find out I need more vegetables and less fat. And also count my calories supply. My food-prreparation machine makes me a salad, pecel, and gado-gado.

After lunch, I go down the hall to my home office. here i have everything I need for doing my work. Thanks to my information screen and my computer. If my clients want to meet up, I just need to push the "meet" button and they will appear on hologram shape.

The information screen shows an urgent message from co-worker in Russia. I set the screen to translate Cyrillic inti Indonesia. As I wait, I think about later, when I'll have a movie transmitted. What movie should I order tonight?

Okay, i have my own idea about the future and I told you just a little.
So, how about you?

Siapa yang Gila ?

Dunia sudah GILA!!!!! Akh, atau saya sebenarnya yang gila? Atau malah orang-orang sekitar saya? Lingkungan? Alam? Semua manusia kah?

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